My name is Abdelkrim. I live in SE London 🎡, UK. I’m a happy husband and father 👪.
Fortunate enough to have experienced a variety of cultures and contexts, I strongly believe that innovation’s magic operates at the crossroads 🛣️ between various disciplines and that it materialises when we assimilate patterns and frameworks from one domain and implement them unexpectedly in others.
Throughout my career, I have cultivated a deep interest in various aspects of:
+ Topics of interest
- Product, marketing & user analytics
- B2B Marketing Analytics
- Implement Shannon Entropy in DAX
- Implement a funnel drop-off rate in DAX
- Product & Marketing Analytics
- Curated list of Resources on Behavioural Analytics
- References on Marketing Analytics
- Building Data & AI products
- Mathematics
- General thoughts
- Cognitive Outsourcing. Or Why I think ChatGPT & LLM models are a threat to human cognitive capabilities
- Dynamic & Customised Pricing using Artificial Intelligence
- Tradeoff Ownership and Freedom
- Tradeoff between Speed & Power
+ Professional Roles
- CPO @FACT360: At present, my focus is on FACT360, where I work as Chief Product Officer (CPO), alongside a dedicated team of salespeople and data scientists. [[FACT360, its Clients & Partners| Learn more >>]
- Research Associate @TCIDA, London, UK: I had the chance to work at # The Centre for Intelligent Data Analytics (TCIDA) as a Research Associate, with a focus on exploring Co-clustering approaches in the context of Behavioural Analytics.
- Associate Lecture @Goldsmiths, London, UK : I had the opportunity to teach Computer Science as part of the Computing Department at Goldsmiths, University of London
+ Education
- PhD Candidate @Goldsmiths, UoL
- ENSEEIHT| Msc in Engineering @ ENSEEIHT, Toulouse
- CNAM, Msc Economics, Law, Paris