This is a living curated list of Books & Papers related to Marketing & Product Analytics

Abdi, H. (1994). A Neural Network Primer. Journal of Biological Systems,
2(3), 247–283.
Abu-Shalback Zid, L. (2004a). Why Wait. Marketing Management, 13(6), 6.
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Achabal, D.D., Badgett, M., Chu, J., and Kalyanam, K. (2005). Crosschannel
Optimization. Somers, NY: IBM Institute for Business Value, IBM
Global Services.
Ackerman, M., Cranor, L., and Reagle, J. (1999). Privacy in E-Commerce:
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Addelman, S. (1962). Orthogonal Main-effect Plans for Asymmetric Factorial
Experiments. Technometrics, 4(1), 21–46.
Adomavicius, G. (2005). Toward the Next Generation of Recommender Systems:
A Survey of the State-of-the-Art and Possible Extensions. IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 17(6), 734–749.
Agrawal, R. and Srikant, R. (1994). Fast Algorithms for Mining Association
Rules in Large Databases, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference
on Very Large Data Bases, pp. 487–499.
Agrawal, R. and Srikant, R. (1995). Mining Sequential Patterns, International
Conference on Data Engineering. Taipei, Taiwan.
Agrawal, R., Imielinski, T., and Swami, A. (1993). Mining Association Rules
Between Sets of Items in Large Databases, Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD
International Conference on the Management of Data, pp. 207–216.
Aha, D. (1992). Tolerating Noisy, Irrelevant, and Novel Attributes in
Instance-based Learning Algorithms. International Journal of Man–
Machine Studies, 36(2), 267–287.
Ailawadi, K.L., Neslin, S.A., and Gedenk, K. (2001). Pursuing the Valueconscious
Consumer: Store Brands Versus National Brand Promotions.
Journal of Marketing, 65(1), 71–89.
Ainslie, A. and Pitt, L. (1998). Unibank and the Analysis of the Excursion
Card Customer Database: A Practical Application of Statistical Techniques
in Database Marketing. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 12(3), 57–66.
Allenby, G.M., Leone, R.P., and Lichung, J. (1999). A Dynamic Model of Purchase
Timing with Application to Direct Marketing. Journal of American
Statistical Association, 94(6), 265–374.
Amemiya, T. and Powell, J. (1983). A Comparison of the Logit Model and
Normal Discriminant Analysis When Independent Variables Are Binary
in Studies in Econometrics, Time Series, and Multivariate Statistics, S.
Karlin, T. Amemiya and L. Goodman (Eds.). New York: Academic Press.
Ancarani, F. and Shankar, V. (2004). Price Levels and Price Dispersion
Within and Across Multiple Retailer Types: Further Evidence and Extension.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(2), 176–187.
Anderson, E.T. and Simester, D.I. (2001). Are Sale Signs Less EffectiveWhen
More Products Have Them? Marketing Science, 20(2), 121–142.
Anderson, E.T. and Simester, D.I. (2004). Long-run Effects of Promotion
Depth on New Versus Established Customers: Three Field Studies. Marketing
Science, 23(1), 4–20.
Anderson, E.W. and Sullivan, M.W. (1993). The Antecedents and Consequences
of Customer Satisfaction for Firms. Marketing Science, 12(2), 125–
Anderson, E.W., Fornell, C., and Lehmann, D.R. (1994). Customer Satisfaction,
Market Share, and Profitability: Findings from Sweden. Journal of
Marketing, 58(3), 53–66.
Ang, L. and Taylor, B. (2005). Managing Customer Profitability Using Portfolio
Matricies. Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management,
12(4), 298–304.
Anonymous (2001). Does CRM Pay? Journal of Business Strategy, 22(6), 3.
Ansari, A. and Mela, C.F. (2003). E-Customization. Journal of Marketing
Research, 40(2), 131–145.
Ansari, A., Essegaier, S., and Kohli, R. (2000). Internet Recommendation
Systems. Journal of Marketing Research, 37(3), 363–375.
Ansari, A., Mela, C.F., and Neslin, S.N. (2008). Customer Channel Migration.
Journal of Marketing Research, Forthcoming.
Apte, C. and Weiss, S. (1997). Data Mining with Decision Trees and Decision
Rules, Research Report. IBM Research Division.
Ardissono, L. and Goy, A. (2000). Tailoring the Interaction with Users in
Web Stores. User Modeling and User-adapted Interaction, 10(4), 251–203.
Ardissono, L., Goy, A., Petrone, G., and Signan, M. (2002). Personalization
in Business-to-Customer Interaction. Communications of the ACM, 45(5),
Argote, L. (1999). Organizational Learning: Creating, Retaining and Transferring
Knowledge. Norwell, MA: Kluwer.

Ariely, D., Lynch, J.G., and Moon, Y. (2002). Taking Advice from Smart
Agents: The Advice Likelihood Model, Marketing Science Institute, Duke
Joint Conference on Customer Relationship Management. Durham, NC.
Assael, H. (1995). Consumer Behavior and Marketing Action, 5th Edition.
Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College.
Atlas, L., Cole, R., Muthuswamy, Y., Lipman, A., Connor, J., Park, D., el-
Sharkawi, M., and Mark, R. (1990). A Performance Comparison of Trained
Multilayer Perceptrons and Trained Classification Trees. Proceedings of the
IEEE, 78(10), 1614–1619.
Baker, K.R. (1997). An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of Rolling
Schedules in Production Planning. Decision Sciences, 8(1), 19–27.
Balabanovic, M. (1997). An Adaptive Web Page Recommendation Service,
First International Conference on Autonomous Agents.
Balabanovic, M. and Shoham, Y. (1997). Fab: Content-based, Collaborative
Recommendation. Communication of the ACM, 40(3), 66–72.
Balachander, S. and Ghosh, B. (2006). Cross-buying and Customer Churning
Behavior, Working Paper. West Lafayette, IN: Krannert Graduate School
of Mangement, Purdue University.
Balakrishnan, P., Cooper, M., Jacob, V., and Lewis, P. (1996). Comparative
Performance of the FSCL Neural Net and K-means Algorithm for Market
Segmentation. European Journal of Operational Research, 93(10), 346–357.
Balasubramanian, S. (1998). Mail Versus Mall; A Strategic Analysis of Competition
Between Direct Marketers and Conventional Retailers. Marketing
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Band, W. (2006). CRM Market Size and Forecast: 2006 to 2010, with Andrew
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Banfield, J.D. and Raftery, A.E. (1993). Model-based Gaussian and Non-
Gaussian Clustering. Biometrics, 49(3), 803–821.
Banslaben, J. (1992). Predictive Modeling. In E. Nash (Ed.), The Direct
Marketing Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Barnes, J.G. (2000). Closeness in Customer Relationships: Examining the
Payback from Getting Closer to the Customer. In T. Hennig-Thurau and
U. Hansen (Eds.), Relationship Marketing: Gaining Competitive Advantage
Through Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention, pp. 90–106. New
York: Springer.
Barron, A. (1993). Universal Approximation Bounds for Superpositions of
a Sigmoidal Function. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 39(3),
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and Role of Online Trust the Same for all Web Sites and Consumers?
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Barthel, M. (1995). The Relational Data Base: A Survival Kit for Banks.
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Bartholomew, D. (1987). Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis. New
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Basilevsky, A. (1994). Statistical Factor Analysis and Related Methods. New
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Bass, F.M. (2004). Comments on “A New Product Growth Model for Consumer
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Bayardo, R. and Agrawal, R. (1999). Mining the Most Interesting Rules, Proceedings
of the Fifth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge
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Beeler, A. (2000). Loyalty Efforts Score Points with Cable TV. Advertising
Age, 71(9), 65–66.
Beggs, A. and Klemperer, P. (1992). Multi-period Competition with Switching
Costs. Econometrica, 60(3), 651–666.
Bell, D.R., Chiang, J., and Padmanabhan, V. (1999). The Decomposition of
Promotional Response: An Empirical Generalization. Marketing Science,
18(4), 504–526.
Bell, D.R., Deighton, J., Reinartz, W.J., Rust, R.T., and Swartz, G. (2002).
Seven Barriers to Customer Equity Management. Journal of Service Research,
5(1), 77–85.
Bellman, S., Johnson, E.J., and Lohse, G.L. (2001). To Opt-in or Opt-out?
It Depends on the Question. Communications of the ACM, 44(2), 25–27.
Bellman, S., Johnson, E.J., Kobrin, S.J., and Lohse, G.L. (2004). International
Differences in Information Privacy Concerns: A Global Survey of
Consumers. The Information Society, 20(5), 313–324.
Ben-Akiva, M., McFadden, D., Abe, M., Bockenholt, U., Bolduc, D.,
Gopinath, D., Morikawa, T., Ramaswamy, V., Rao, V., Revelt, D., and
Steinberg, D. (1997). Modeling Methods for Discrete Choice Analysis. Marketing
Letters, 8(3), 273–286.
Ben-Bassat, M. (1987). Use of Distance Measures, Information Measures and
Error Bounds on Feature Evaluation. In P.R. Krishnaiah and L.N. Kanal
(Eds.), Classification, Pattern Recognition and Reduction of Dimensionality,
Volume 2 of Handbook of Statistics, pp. 773–791. Amsterdam: North-
Bendoly, E., Blocher, J.D., Bretthauer, K.M., Krishman, S., and Venkataramanan,
M.A. (2005). Online/In-store Integration and Customer Retention.
Journal of Service Research, 7(4), 313–327.
Bergemann, D and J Valimaki, (1997), Market Diffusion with Two-Sided
Learning, Rand Journal of Economics, Vol 28, No. 4, pp. 773–795.
Bergemann, D and J Valimaki, (2000), Experimentation in Markets, Review
of Economic Studies, Vol. 67, p. 213–234.

Bergen, M., Dutta, S., and Shugan, S.M. (1996). Branded Variants: A Retail
Perspective. Journal of Marketing Research, 38(1), 9–19.
Berger, P.D. and Bechwati, N.N. (2001). The Allocation of Promotion Budget
to Maximize Customer Equity. Omega, 29(1), 49–61.
Berger, P.D. and Nasr, N.I. (1998). Customer Lifetime Value: Marketing
Models and Applications. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 12(1), 17–30.
Berger, P.D., Bolton, R.N., Bowman, D., Briggs, E., Kumar, V.,
Parasuraman, A., and Terry, C. (2002). Marketing Actions and the Value of
Customer Assets: A Framework for Customer Asset Management. Journal
of Service Research, 5(1), 39–54.
Berger, P.D., Lee, J., and Weinberg, B.D. (2006). Optimal Cooperative Advertising
Integration Strategy for Organizations Adding a Direct Online
Channel. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57(8), 920–927.
Berndt, E., Hall, B., Hall, R., and Hausman, J. (1974 October). Estimation
and Inference in Nonlinear Structural Models. Annals of Economic and
Social Measurement, 3/4(10), 653–665.
Berry, J. (1994). A Potent New Tool for Selling: Database Marketing. Business
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Berry, L.L. (1983). Relationship Marketing. In L.L. Berry, G.L. Shostack, and
G. Upah (Eds.), Emerging Perspectives in Services Marketing, pp. 25–28.
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Berry, M. and Linoff, G. (1997). Data Mining Techniques for Marketing Sales,
and Customer Support. New York: Wiley.
Berson, A., Smith, S., and Thearling, K. (2000). Building Data Mining Applications
for CRM. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Bertsekas, D.P. (1995). Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control.
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Bitner, M.J., Brown, S.W., and Meuter, M.L. (2000). Technology Infusion in
Service Encounters. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(1),
Bitran, G.R. and Mondschein, S.V. (1996). Mailing Decisions in the Catalog
Industry. Management Science, 42(9), 1364–1381.
Biyalogorsky, E. and Naik, P.A. (2003). Clicks and Mortar: The Effect of
On-line Activities on Off-line Sales. Marketing Letters, 14(1), 21–32.
Blattberg, R.C. and Deighton, J. (1991). Interactive Marketing: Exploiting
the Age of Addressability. Sloan Management Review, 33(1), 5–14.
Blattberg, R.C. and Deighton, J. (1996). Manage Marketing by the Customer
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and Strategies. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Blattberg, R.C. and Thomas, J.S. (2000). Valuing, Analyzing and Managing
the Marketing Function Using Customer Equity Principles. In D. Iacobucci
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Blattberg, R.C., Eppen, G.D., and Lieberman, J. (1981). A Theoretical and
Empirical Evaluation of Price Deals for Consumer Nondurables. Journal
of Marketing, 45(1), 116–129.
Blattberg, R.C., Getz, G., and Thomas, J.S. (2001). Customer Equity: Building
and Managing Relationships as Valuable Assets. Boston, MA: Harvard
Business School.
Blodgett, J. and Anderson, R.D. (2000). A Bayesian Network Model of the
Consumer Complaint Process. Journal of Service Research, 2(4), 321–338.
Bodapati, A.V. (2008). Recommendation Systems with Purchase Data, Journal
of Marketing Research, forthcoming.
Bodenberg, T. (2001). Customer Relationship Management: New Ways of
Keeping the Customer Satisfied, Research Report R-1299–01-RR. New
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Boehm, E.W. (2001). Pharma Must Bridge the Sales and Marketing Chasm.
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Bolton, R.N. (1998). A Dynamic Model of the Duration of the Customer’s
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Marketing Science, 17(1), 45–65.
Bolton, R.N. and Drew, J.H. (1991a). A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact
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Bolton, R.N. and Lemon, K.N. (1999). A Dynamic Model of Customers Usage
of Services: Usage as an Antecedent and Consequence of Satisfaction.
Journal of Marketing Research, 36(2), 171–186.
Bolton, R.N., Kannan, P.K., and Bramlett, M.D. (2000). Implications of Loyalty
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